Render is the title of my collaborative senior capstone project. We set out as a class to answer the question "What is Digital Media?" To do this we decided to apply our three concentrations within the Digital Media major to create projects that would help answer the question in different ways. We would have a poster series created by the graphics team to help guide viewers into the gallery space and get them thinking about the implications and different aspects of digital media. We would develop a video game that simulates the improvement and entrapment of digital media over time. And the centerpiece would be a documentary video featuring interviews with students and professors offering their perspectives, accompanied by motion graphics. My role in the project was to create the visual style and language of the overall project. I was responsible for the motion graphics for the video portion and worked collaboratively with the video team to film and edit the final cut. The poster series was also a collaborative effort with all our team members working on each poster to find a cohesive style. Below are the initial project pitch (in posterzine format), style guide, promotional posters, final poster series, final video and a promotional motion graphic that inspired the motion graphics for the final video, along with informational signage created to guide visitors through the event. To play the video game and read more about the project, you can visit render16.com.